Product News: Force Field Body Armour release ‘Zeus’ Knee Pads!

News Flash – ‘FatBMXjust publicised the following statement: “Forcefield Body Armour is stepping into the cycling scene and have Chris Smith testing out their product at the minute. Telling from the product picture, the pads look like they could work for BMX. In fact, they’ve got a whole line of protection gear that plenty of speedway, motorcycle racers, snowboarders and stuntmen use so why not BMX. Here’s a little more info on the brand and if you’re interested, get in touch with them. If protection gear helps you be back on your bike tomorrow instead of healing up, we’ll give it our thumbs up” (Bdj/FatBMX)

Read on for more details on ‘Force Field Body Armour‘…

Read more: Product News: Force Field Body Armour release ‘Zeus’ Knee Pads!



“Forcefield has led the way in introducing the concept that body armour doesn’t have to be hard, rigid and uncomfortable to wear. We are market leaders in soft armour technology. We design our body armour so that it is flexible, moulds to the users’ body, stays in place and so comfortable that you wouldn’t think about getting on your bike without wearing it. As importantly we have proven that the performance is superior to the more mainstream hard plastic protectors. Forcefield doesn’t design products based on price. It designs to performance first. Hence our slogan “PROTECTION: NO COMPROMISE”.
Designed to be used either in conjunction with Forcefield Body Armour® or independently the Forcefield Climate Control range uses the latest technical materials to create the best possible technical wear available today, and like the Forcefield Body Armour® the Forcefield Climate Control quality has not been created on price but to the highest specifications.” – FFBA

Rider Comments:

“I’ve been using these pads for over a month now and so far I have been very impressed with how they feel, look and perform. Pat on the back to Force Field Body Armour for getting involved with BMX and MTB!” – Chris Smith (FFBA Supported Athlete)

 A few more images…

Promotional: ‘Slam69 six day sale!’…

Yes, that’s right,Slam69‘ are hosting a massive clearance sale to make way for new stock – The sale starts tomorrow and will last for six days – Get yourself to Slam69 and get yourself a bargain! – VS

General News: The BMX Worlds Website 2012!!!

Just a quick bit of news – The BMX Worlds website is now online! The event itself takes place between 13th and the 15th of July! It will surely be an amazing event, with plenty of action! Furthermore, this years event will feature an Old School Contest, not to mention plenty of party mayhem! Go check out the BMX Worlds Website! – VS Continue reading “General News: The BMX Worlds Website 2012!!!”

Promotional: Fluid BMX Store.

You may have already read about Fluid BMX Store in our ‘Link of the Month (March): Fluid BMX Storearticle… If not, Fluid BMX Store are basically a Welsh based BMX store, which also has a mail order facility. In short, the store has gone from strength to strength and they are now selling more products than ever before! Check out their newly updated web store! Fluid BMX Store is the leading BMX retailer in Wales! – VS

Promotional: ‘Unit Clothing’ is now available in the UK!!!

It’s great news for British fans of the ‘Unit Riders‘, as ‘Slam 69‘ are now the UK distributor for ‘Unit Clothing‘! The Unit Clothing range also includes ‘wallets’, ‘keyrings’ and ‘beer coolers’ – Unit Riders got your back bro! – VS Continue reading “Promotional: ‘Unit Clothing’ is now available in the UK!!!”

Interview: Chris Jackson.

As seen earlier on PSBMX…

Stats: –

  • Name: ‘Chris Jackson.
  • Age: ‘18′.
  • Weight: ‘9st 10.
  • Location: ‘Gillingham.
  • Sponsors: ‘A’ME Grips’ flow through ‘ValleySideDistro’! I’m also happy to represent Dartmoor UK/Slam69 as a free-agent.

Continue reading “Interview: Chris Jackson.”

Update: Urban Kreation >>>

I just checked in with Urban Kreation, for the latest team news! Here’s what they had to say: “Just a quick update for you all! Fresh from his win at the X-fest, Urban Kreation have signed young Dirt shredder Desmond Tessemaker to its team. Desmond has a vision and a focus of where he wants to be, and we were stoked when he said he wanted to be part of our winning team.” (Urban Kreation). Check out Desmond’s ‘Welcome to Urban Kreation’ edit: –

Continue reading “Update: Urban Kreation >>>”

New: Ride BMX UK (Issue 164!) Out Now!!!

I just got issue 164 of Ride UK through my door – And a brilliant issue at that! Main stand out? Probably the Phil Demattia interview… It’s a blazer!

Issue 164 Caution When Wet!

“Riding anywhere outdoors during the last month was pretty much deemed a write-off. The UK is supposedly in a drought (even though it’s been raining constantly for over a month now) but despite the non-stop rain, we dug deep and battled on. This issue includes features from the UK (in the rain), Sunny California (not in the rain), a boat trip on the Atlantic Ocean and a selection of some Idiots Abroad… Check out more from issue 164 below…” – Ride UK Continue reading “New: Ride BMX UK (Issue 164!) Out Now!!!”

Web video of the Month/May: “Vibes RT painting at Trellick”.

Just got made aware of this sweet ‘DEPHECT‘ promo vid featuring the ‘Vibes Painting‘ at ‘Trellick‘ (Produced March, 2012).

Filmed by: ‘Andy Oates‘ and ‘Matt Drane.

Edited by: ‘Andy Oates‘.

Music by: ‘Anile‘. Continue reading “Web video of the Month/May: “Vibes RT painting at Trellick”.”