3) How many hours a week do you ride? Not as many as I’d like at the moment – I try and get lots of short sessions in; Sometimes just 30 min’s, here and there, at lunch times and stuff.
4) What’s the most played out record you own? Ooh tough one, ‘Doolittle’ by the Pixies, or ‘Turn on the bright lights’ by Interpol.
5) What does your job as an art editor/designer involve? (&) How long have you been doing it? I design stuff, commission and art direct illustrators, and find new artists to feature in magazines.
6) You once made a reputable BMX film… What would be your favourite memory from the making of the project? Going out and shooting one of my best mates and flat mate at the time: “Adi Gilbert”- Impersonating a street rat after a smoke and a drink. Reminds me of many good times. He freestyle improvises the lot – Awesome comedy genius…
… Another favorite memory is filming James White’s section; He’d just received a new bike and couldn’t get into his jugglers, falling off a bunch of times – We’re riding back and forth on Waterloo-bridge. I’m riding on the road holding a camcorder in one hand and steering with the other. Traffic and buses whiz past me, it’s pretty dangerous, Phil Dolan is waiting and getting annoyingly impatient, and after many attempts James just nails it! Does his whole run on the pavement in one take! Legend!
7 ) Has art always been an interest of yours?.. Did you go to college/university to enhance your skills? Yep always been into art in some sort of way, I drew loads as a kid, and I have a BA (hons) in art and design.
8 ) Would you describe the last 10 years of your creative life as; A) a strictly forward progression, B) a lateral progression/evolution. It’s progressed on a professional level definitely. On a creative level it’s a compromise with time and a team. It’s hard to match the time and creative freedom, which you have at college,so the conceptual results can be very different.
9) What trick will you be trying to perfect next? Turndowns today, well I’m trying to learn turndown airs, and flatland wise – pumping stuff.
10) What brands do you currently represent? I have a good friend Paul, from “Dephect” who sends me some stuff; I used to work with him and he is a super talented guy, he flows me some stuff as a hook up, but it’s more a mates/creative sort of hook-up than a rider sponsorship. I’ll rock some “Emer” stuff too.
11) Fav day of the week? Not Mondays.
12) Any last words? Shout-outs? Etc? Yep would like give a shout out to “Wednesday club”, “Green Mile” riders, “Xav Robleda” & all the good eggs I don’t see as much as I should: Karl Pentelow, Leeroy, Rail Phil, the Bristol riders, Adi, Kung and Colum Walsh.
(Ed/nb; Pictures – John Dye/ Andrew Browning)
Cheers – VS
Links: www.johannchan.co.uk, www.emerbmx.com, www.dephect.com, www.levelmag.com