/// Link of the Month (July): EVDATH ///

Ladies and Gentlemen, G’s and Hoe’s, may I introduce to you: Evolved Athletic Brand (A.K.A. EV / DATH!). ‘You’re Welcome‘ to CHECK ‘EM OUT HERE!!! For those of you who are in the mix, EV / DATH are a brand that embraces Bicycles, Friends, Culture and Adventure! Click read more to check their mission statement!

“We’re a brand that embraces a lifestyle of bicycles, friends, culture and new adventures. Our style is composed of the various array of inspirations we encounter along the ever-changing journey of detailed self expression and timeless trends. Established in 2001, the evolved athletic brand mission is to make clothes, enjoy life and its endless possibilities while staying in our creative lane.” – evd / ath

Nelson Febo – 3am in Bridgeport. from EVD/ATH on Vimeo.

matt leviege from BeastMode on Vimeo.

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