Good Morning Everybody!!! I switched on my computer this morning and was greeted by an email direct from the Publicity Director of ‘the ripping and the tearing‘ crew; It contained the crews final video release (and it’s good!) for the Nike Chosen (UK link) contest, as well as the crews offiicial press release, inc photographes:

Press Release –
“A few locals (‘the ripping and the tearing’ crew) of the ‘Mid-Wales’/’Shropshire’ area, have just submitted their final video for the ‘Nike Chosen’ competition – A competition based on the creation of a unique and original video, which showcase both Film Making and BMX.
‘Charlie Lane’, ‘Gareth Jones’, ‘Tom Roberts’ and ‘Robbie Meade’ have been filming all last month, getting clips left right and center. The final edit shows how much fun everyone had working on the project. Furthermore, it gives an insight into this bmx crews typical ‘every day’ session. It’s all finally come together and has some really unique clips, not to mention never before seen footage of cliff riding! – Little did ‘Robbie (Cliff Bomber) Meade’ realise he was creating a new BMX category when he dropped that one!
The edit was put together by Robbie Meade who filmed most of the clips bar the ones of himself. Everyone had a go with the camera and had a bit of fun. Give these hardcore riders a bit of support and checkout THEIR PROFILE PAGE!”
– The Ripping and the Tearing.
… So, by now you should be up to speed – Why not relax and hit PLAY! /// Prepare to witness the BRUTALITY… Enter Gladiators – VS
Nike CHOSEN video entry from Robbie Meade films on Vimeo.
“The Ripping and the Tearing Video entry for the Nike 6.0 chosen contest.
Made over a month in June and July grabbing evening and Sunday sessions as we could.
The aim was to make an edit showing how much fun we have riding our bikes and how we try and make the most of our “lack of spots” where we live through creativity.
Check out our facebook page for more photos and videos, and make sure to like them and help us through the competition.
Tom Roberts
Robbie Meade
Gareth Jones
Charlie Lane
DOP and first camera – Robbie Meade
Editing- Robbie Meade
Matt Jones
Bill Davies
Jerry Meade
Charlie Lane
Gareth Jones
Tom Roberts
Canon 5dmkii
Canon 550d
24-105mm, 17-40mm, 50mm, 70-200mm
Glidecam HD4000
Libec Tripod
Genus LCD viewfinder loupe
Rode videomic.” – RMFILMS