Yo!!! We Thought it was about time to show some more product shots of the new Sugar Bikes ‘Gringo’ bars/forks (prototype only). These mighty-fine components are just about to be put through further testing, by the new (UK) Sugar Bikes product tester (you’ll hear more about him soon!). Keep your eyes peeled, for further test-footage/photos – Soon! – Until then, you can search out (youtube) some of the Jean Silva edits, to see him testing them. As it happens, they’ve already been tested to hell and back… But a little more testing can only be a good thing! Continue reading, to view more images…
Sweet curves…
Machined drop-outs for weight-savings…
Unique through design – Yet light, strong and functional…
They are nice – You’ll like them!!!
If you’re a retailer and you would like to stock any of the Sugar Bikes products, please email – valleysidedistro@hotmail.co.uk.