Product Review: A’ME BMX CAM GRIPS.

A while back we sent out several sets of A’ME Grips to various members of the valleyside team to test and review. On this occasion we are hosting a review of the A’ME Cam Grips. This particular review was produced by Keith Easom, from Faction Bike Co – click read more to hear how Keith got on!
“I recently got asked recently by Chris Smith over at Valley Side Distribution to test ride these ‘Cam’ grips, from the legendary California based company A’ME. Back in the early 80’s A’ME were one of my favorite brands. They always had the best ads and the best riders on their team like Greg Hill and the Patterson brothers. My all time fave grip was the A’ME Round and this was the first time I had tried the Cam’s. I always saw A’ME as being like Vans are to shoes they are to grips, just a tad cooler than all the others. I’ve run a couple of race meetings on them and you can feel right away they help you get a good secure pull on the bars thanks to their unique oval shape. I also noticed  i had no blisters to show as normal after riding all day like i’ve had from running thinner totally round lower profile grips. However i’d not recommend this model for Freestyle riding (i’d suggest checking out their minimal  flange Round model grips for that). But for racing these Cam style feel great and add that extra noticeable vice like pull on your bars out the gate. I’ve not had AME grips on my bike since throughout the 80’s and i’m stoked their available again in the UK. They just add that extra roots feel to the bike. I rate these the best race grip i’ve tried because i found i get no blisters thanks to the soft rubber and for the extra pull out the gate thanks to their shape. All in all, great grip!” – Keith Easom

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