Reviews: BizHouse ‘GYM’ Grips (By Navid Saleki)

Yo!!! I recently purchased a set of  “BizHouse GYM Grips” – Guess what!? THEY RULE!!! I think I was breaking the mold when I purchased a set – I say this because they’re designed by flatlanders for flatlanders; I’ll be using them for street, ramp, etc… Anyway, they make X-up grinds easier! And they certainly look FRESH. I actually first saw GYM grips being used by Navid Saleki; So, I thought Navid Saleki would be the ideal rider, to issue a full review of them. I’ll pass you onto Mr Saleki – Chris@VS

Okay, soo what should I start with… It’s a small rubber ring, it could be used for several things, such as a sealed fitting for tubular parts, or even as a cock ring for the smaller people between us! However, Bizhouse thought of the idea to combine a series of them, all rowed up, so they end up becoming a set of grips!

Well… They did not fit me, so I decided to use them for the intended use! I have ridden mine for at least 4 -5 years now! So, thinking about the price, they are sure worth every penny, cent or whatever currency you readers hussle in – Go buy a set!

A bit about the history – BizHouse started off by producing black rings only; soon after they also released blue ones, so of course I needed those aswell! I made some cool patterns on my handlebar! But I soon noticed that I got less dirty calluses from the blue ones!

The things which I like the most with the grips, are that they wear out far slower than normal silicone/soft rubber grips (no hate’in), and you can choose very easily the width of the grip by adding rings! After many hours of riding the rings will get a nice surface which fits your hands the best (sweaty or dry hands)! One other noticeable fact about the Bizhouse ‘’Gym’’ grips, are that you can easily adjust the amount of pressure to compensate the amout of grip you would like to have at that moment, which is different to other grips! As soon as you lay your hand on the grip you’re stuck, and in my opinion that can be painful if you have irritations from callus in your hands. And a common problem with new grips is that they are difficult to install, which is not the case for those reading who have used a condom before!

Long story short, the Bizhouse Gym grips will only get cheaper and cheaper, they looks cool, are easily installed, provide a guaranteed grip, adjusts nicely to your hand palm and lasts very long!!!” – Navid Saleki


You gotta grip firm for this shit!
And once more, for good measure!

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