After corresponding with A’ME Grips on several occasions, Mr Bob Rutten (Head of Marketing over at A’ME Grips) has kindly enrolled both myself & ValleySideDistro onto the A’ME Athletes Support Programme – Within the next ten days I will have received a box including fourteen different grips models (in various colours) – Subsequently, these grips will be tested by various riders on the ValleySideDistro Programme (including members of the flow team). Grips available for testing include the ‘BMX FREESTYLE ROUND GRIP, the ‘BMX CLAMP-ON TRI GRIPS’ and the ‘BMX CAM GRIPS’. If you’re not on the ValleySideDistro list, but you still want to test a set, get in contact and I may be able to get a set out to you. Thanks again to Mr Bob Rutten! – Chris@VS Continue reading “/// Link of the Month (May): A’ME GRIPS ///”
Tag: AME
Interview: Jeremy VanSchoonhoven
Monica Warnock-Moore (athlete agent) recently made contact seeking to promote one of her star riders – Without further ado, it’s time for something fresh, an interview with the trials extrodinaire himself, Mr Jeremy VanSchoonhoven! Enjoy – VS!
Name: Jeremy VanSchoonhoven
DOB: 10/04/1982
Home Town: Williams Oregon (USA)
Continue reading “Interview: Jeremy VanSchoonhoven”
Bike Check: Sugar “the frame” & assorted components (Rider: Chris Smith).

Specification Continue reading “Bike Check: Sugar “the frame” & assorted components (Rider: Chris Smith).”
“AME” grips, test riding.
Mr Svenson over at “AME” recently flowed us some ame bmx grips for the 2011 season – He sent a generous quantity, so that the ValleySide family and friends crew could test them out as well. So first up, thank goes out to Mr Svenson. And keep your eyes peeled for some testimonials from the likes of: Ricky Seery (England), Sam Ward (England), Chris Smith (Wales), Oliver Kravetz (EST), Enrico Orobko (EST) and Charlie Lane (England). Continue reading ““AME” grips, test riding.”