Web Video: Nike Batalla BCN.

This web video features the Nike Team. This edit shows the full diversity of Nike’s riders as they tear up BARCELONA! The edit itself was produced by Peter Adam and it is one tight edit! – VS

Check out what Nike had to say: Nike’s Alex Kennedy, Simone Barraco, Kriss Kyle, Joris Coulomb and Daniel Tünte are joined by US teammate Chad Kerley to battle with the elements in the European street mecca of Barcelona. Filmed, edited and directed by Peter Adam.

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Photographer of the month/June – Dorian Huet.

Bonjour! And merci, for once again tuning into our mighty fine station! And today, we break the chainz (should that be legal?), or at least the sound barrier, in a move approximately seven thousand miles Northeast (of Chile that is!)… Once again, we have gone contre vents et marées, in order to bring to you good people, ‘Photographer of the month’ (June). And once again, we have a blazing feature, the Crème de la crème? Dames, Hommes, may I introduce to you (insert drum-roll!)… Mr Dorian Huet!!! – VS

... Agent provocateur?

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