Our friend Coco Zurita recently got picked up by Four Speed Metalwerks! In short, Four Speed Metalwerks make interesting products like; Buckles, Rings and Pendants using Metal! Fourspeed add spice to their mix by working in collaboration with artists and characters of recognition – this means we will surely be seeing some Coco Zurita Signature Products in the future! Keep your eyes peeled! – VS Continue reading “News: Coco Zurita on ‘Fourspeed Metalwerks’!!!”
Tag: BMX vert
Web Video: Vans Video Vault – Coco Zurita
A while back we dropped an Interview with Coco Zurita: The Art of Ascension! The video here is a more recent video he has produced with offthewall.tv – Coco chats about BMX, straight from his home country of Chile. Watch as Coco rides some of the sweetest spots in Chile and talks about elevating the sport to a broader, more international level. Continue reading “Web Video: Vans Video Vault – Coco Zurita”
Web Video: BMX Legends Jamie Bestwick And Simon Tabron Call The Shots: Crooked World. .
Ever heard of the ‘Cherokee One-Footer’ or the ‘German Salmon’? Get in the know with Simon Tabron & Jamie Bestwick in this epic Vert Session! On a side note, I dropped an Interview with Simon Tabron not so long ago… Check it on my FBC blog! – VS
Link of the month/February: The Coco Zurita, personal website!
As you’re probably already aware, Coco kicks ass on a bike. Mr Zurita is also an avid BMX promoter, enjoys motors as avocation, and much more! Furthermore, Coco keeps photo diarys of his lifestyle! Anyway, to the point, Coco’s personal website is Februarys (belated!) link of the month – So now you can keep up with Coco’s lifestyle and crusades! Nice one! Sorry it’s late!

Continue reading “Link of the month/February: The Coco Zurita, personal website!”