Web Video of the Month/ Nov: DartBMX “Nami II” Test Vid!!!

Back in 2012 DartBMX (UK) sent me a ‘Nami II’ (v.3) frame to test ride for a product review. I gave the ‘Nami II’ frame a good thrashing on both Street and Ramp and enjoyed every minute of it! The Nami II lived up to it’s price tag – all in all this is one good frame! Also on test was a range of DartBMX components! Check the film for some of the riding I put my frame through a while back! You can find the written product review on Dartmoor BMX!!! – Chris@ValleySideDistro. Continue reading “Web Video of the Month/ Nov: DartBMX “Nami II” Test Vid!!!”

Web Video: Rafał “Skejcik” Kierc edit vol.3 (DartBMX)!!!

Rafał “Skejcik” Kierc edit vol.3 from Maciek Miller on Vimeo.

Just found this raw edit featuring Rafal “Skejcik” Kierc – the edit itself was produced by Maciek Miller; and the film itself was shot at Jutrzenka Skatepark (Warsaw, Poland)! The edit itself is epic and contains tricks like Tailwhip-Superman and Flair-Disaster-Barspin… Just goes to show the DartBMX team quite simply don’t stop! Rafal is currently riding the Dartmoor Nami II frame, which can be sourced from Slam69 – I personally ride a Nami II and you can check the spec in my online review!!!

Continue reading “Web Video: Rafał “Skejcik” Kierc edit vol.3 (DartBMX)!!!”