The VANS REBEL JAM will be taking place this weekend at the York Hall in London (UK). The contest is very STREET orientated and this can be evidenced by the fact they got Brian Kachinsky in to design the course. At present over sixty pro riders will be battling it out for a piece of the 20,000 euro pro purse. The event itself is free to watch but make sure you get there early enough to get a spectator position (it will no doubt be packed). If you can not make it to the event then don’t worry – you can still watch it for free from home! The URL to watch the event live is: Enjoy! – Chris@VS Continue reading “/// Events: Vans Rebel Jam 2014!!! ///”
Tag: Fiat
Photos: The Rebel Jam/ Flatland >>>

I’m opening this one with an apology to my homies on the flatland circuit – It’s taken a little longer than usual to upload the photos due to technical issues on my laptop! But better late than never! For anyone who missed the Rebel Jam (2011), the level of riding in general was amazing – Flatland was no different! The images here were captured on a ‘Nokia N8’; and were captured during the practice sessions! Hit read more to peek over fifty flatland photos – VS
Continue reading “Photos: The Rebel Jam/ Flatland >>>”