Web Video: Faction Bike Co ‘Amero’ V S&M ‘Holmes’ 22″

In recent times there has been a good level of interest in 22″ wheeled bikes – a lot of dudes are wondering how they ride – especially taller riders who are looking for something just a little more accommodating. This particular video was made by Shawn Shimkets – he is definitely one tall dude! Prior to the arrival of 22s he was riding a custom standard 22″ top tube – when 22s arrived Shawn naturally wanted to try them! He put together this video which compares and contrasts two 22″ wheeled bikes: the S&M ‘Holmes’ 22″ and the Faction Bike Co ‘Amero’ 22″! This is definitely a good account of the two bikes and it sounds like Faction Bike Co come through a little stronger! We are currently in talks with Faction Bike Co about distributing their bikes! – VS

Continue reading “Web Video: Faction Bike Co ‘Amero’ V S&M ‘Holmes’ 22″”

Interview: Chris ‘valleyside’ Smith…

As seen on psbmx.com…

THE CHRONICLES OF CHRIS (The Chris Smith Interview)

Part One: The Lost Scriptures of Smithy.

Stats: –

/// Name: Chris Smith /// Nicknames: Smithy & Valleyside /// Hometown: Welshpool (UK) /// Years riding: 14 /// Supporters: Dartmoor Bikes (UK), VP-USA, Force Field Body Armour, Vendetta Brand and Fluid BMX Store (flow) /// Continue reading “Interview: Chris ‘valleyside’ Smith…”

Product Review: A’ME BMX CAM GRIPS.

A while back we sent out several sets of A’ME Grips to various members of the valleyside team to test and review. On this occasion we are hosting a review of the A’ME Cam Grips. This particular review was produced by Keith Easom, from Faction Bike Co – click read more to hear how Keith got on! Continue reading “Product Review: A’ME BMX CAM GRIPS.”

/// Link of the Month (August): Faction Bike Co Fan-Page ///

For Augusts Link of the Month we have the Faction Bike Co Fan Page over on Facebook. The Faction Bike Co Fan Page is regularly updated by Keith Easom. The Facebook Page is the first place to look for the latest news on 22″ bikes – be it racing, dirt, street, skatepark or flatland, the Faction Bike Co Fan Page has got it covered. Continue reading “/// Link of the Month (August): Faction Bike Co Fan-Page ///”