The VANS REBEL JAM will be taking place this weekend at the York Hall in London (UK). The contest is very STREET orientated and this can be evidenced by the fact they got Brian Kachinsky in to design the course. At present over sixty pro riders will be battling it out for a piece of the 20,000 euro pro purse. The event itself is free to watch but make sure you get there early enough to get a spectator position (it will no doubt be packed). If you can not make it to the event then don’t worry – you can still watch it for free from home! The URL to watch the event live is: Enjoy! – Chris@VS Continue reading “/// Events: Vans Rebel Jam 2014!!! ///”
Tag: Vans
Web Video: Bike Hall Contest/2013 (Teaser).
Bike Hall Contest 2013: teaser from Bike Hall Contest on Vimeo.
The Bike Hall Contest (2013) is due to start in two days time – the riders over in Trutnov are just getting warmed up! Check this video to see how the course is looking! – VS
/// Link of the Month (April): Facebook Page/ Bike Hall Contest (2013) ///
The Bike Hall Contest (2013) is due to start soon, over in Trutnov! The event itself promises to be pretty wild! Add up the BHC Facebook Page for all the latest news! In other news, scroll down to view the Bike Hall Contest Poster! – VS
Continue reading “/// Link of the Month (April): Facebook Page/ Bike Hall Contest (2013) ///”
/// Link of the Month (March): Bike Hall (9) Contest Catalogue (on ISSUU) ///
Interested in attending the Bike Hall Contest (2013) in Trutnov? You can download the BHC CATALOUGUE HERE! The course is always amazing at the BHC and so is the list of riders in attendance. This contest is definitely worth adding to the list! You can also add the BHC on Facebook! Bye for now – VS
Continue reading “/// Link of the Month (March): Bike Hall (9) Contest Catalogue (on ISSUU) ///”
Web Video: Bike Hall Contest 2012 (By Petrepetla Cinematography)
Another wild edit featuring the BIKE HALL CONTEST(2012)! This particular edit was produced by PETREPETLA CINEMATOGRAPHY and can be enjoyed best if full 1080p HD (change the settings). The BIKE HALL CONTEST is now in it’s NINTH year; and promises to be even crazier! – VS Continue reading “Web Video: Bike Hall Contest 2012 (By Petrepetla Cinematography)”
/// Link of the Month (February): Bike Hall (9) Contest ///
Once again the Bike Hall Contest (number 9!) will be taking part in Trutnov (Czech Republic) – the event will take place between the 25th and 27th of April. As usual, the event has lots of hot sponsors (Vans, G-Shock, 34R, etc); as well as some amazing competitors! And of course VALLEYSIDE is an official media partner! In short, if you are in the market for a European BMX contest, the Bike Hall Contest is always a winner! Furthermore, the Czech Republic has a lot to offer with amazing sites, beautiful women and cheap beer (that’s right, ugly dudes got a shot!). We will be hosting more news on the Bike Hall Contest soon – keep your eyes peeled…
Continue reading “/// Link of the Month (February): Bike Hall (9) Contest ///”
Events: VANS on Fistral Beach {Boardmasters/Relentless Energy Drink}.
Those familiar with the event are in for a surprise this year as Vans have completely shaken up the traditional vert and mini ramp set up with an incredible all new mini and street skate setup. Check out the layout plan for an insight on what to expect.
Relentless Energy Drink Boardmasters in association with Vans never fails to attract the biggest names in skateboard and BMX and this year is looking no different.
From the skateboard world you can expect to see the likes of Josh Young, Jake Collins, Andy Scott, Darryl Dominguez amongst others. Bmx enthusiasts can look forward to the likes of Vincent Mayne, Phil Aller, Zack Williams, Tobias Wicke, Marcus Braumann all competing for their share of the £14k prize pot. Nb. Vans on Fistral is just one of the reasons to hit up the Boardmasters event – Check out the website for more info!!!
Continue reading “Events: VANS on Fistral Beach {Boardmasters/Relentless Energy Drink}.”
Bike Check: Alin Moldovan/Dartmoor Bikes (Photos by: János Rusiczki)
Profiler: Alin Moldovan/ Dartmoor Bikes (Photography: János Rusiczki)
Stats: –
- Name: Alin Moldovan.
- Age: 26 years old.
- Weight: 165 pounds (75kg).
- Location: Baia Mare city, Romania.
- Sponsors: Monster Energy Drink, Dartmoor Bikes, Carhartt and Van.
Continue reading “Profiler: Alin Moldovan/ Dartmoor Bikes (Photography: János Rusiczki)”
Photos: The Rebel Jam/ Park Qualifiers, etc >>>
For most people ‘Park’ was the highlight of the recent Rebel Jam over in Eidenhoven – The level of riding was incredible! Riders like Alex Kennedy left the crowd hyped with the latest street moves, whilst riders like Harry Main left the crowd speechless with moves like the ‘bunnyhop flair drop-in’ (off sub!). After the riding was finished a killer party went-off, thanks to electrical treats from the Disco Dogs and other assorted turntablists. Hit the read more button to check a variety of images from the event…

Continue reading “Photos: The Rebel Jam/ Park Qualifiers, etc >>>”