Hello – As you may already be aware Mr Tomace (Boss at Donny Boy HQ!) kindly sent us a selection of the finest “Donny Boy” products – Some for the team to test and some for our prize give-away! Anyway, pictured below are three wallets that we have spare, to give away to three lucky winners. And details of the contest are to be found at the bottom of this post…

Okay, now we’ve established that Donny Boy’s the freshest label on the streets, it’s time to get serious…
For your chance to win a class Donny Boy wallet; Which two teams are Donny Boy Apparel currently sponsoring?
A) Point Pleasant BMX Team and ValleySideDistro.
B) Dartmoor & Outline.
C) Slam69 & ValleySideDistro.
If you think you know the answer please email “valleysidedistro@hotmail.co.uk”, with the correct answer, along with your address. Make sure the subject bar reads: “Donny Boy Contest”. The contest will be drawn next Friday (11th, February). And posted the same day! So, what you waiting for!!!